Women Empowerment High Tea 2024
For the third year, Supporters of Families with Sickle Cell Disease (SFWSCD) has held the Women’s Empowerment Mother’s Day High Tea. It helps to raise funds to assist families with mental health, medications, transportation, food security, youth education and transition programs. The Tea recognizes and celebrates women living with SCD, caregivers, and community servant-leaders in the sickle cell and maternal health space.
It is a fundraiser designed to assist this rare disease community. The funds help to bridge the gap for families in spite of the many challenges they face with Sickle Cell, Thalassemia, and other related blood disorders. This year Supporting Healthy Initiatives For Tulsa (SHIFT) partnered with SFWSCD for a fabulous event with more than 200 women attending. A number of reasons make this event outstanding, here are a few; 1) the venue is decorated elegantly, 2) local vendors are there ready to serve attendees, 3) it is right before Mother’s Day and has many ideal gifts for mothers, 3) the Hat Contest allows an opportunity for the ladies to dress in their finest!
Each year the attendance has grown, improved, and sold out in record time! For the first time a scholarship was awarded to a young lady pursuing her college education! The Women’s Empowerment Mother’s Day High Tea fundraiser is a great cause and attending is a reward within itself!
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2022 Sickle Cell Thanksgiving Food Giveaway
Black History month
Spreading Hope Giveaway Tulsa/ Oklahoma City 2020 Serving over 150+ Families
Covid-19 Food Delivery
2019 Easter Egghunt and Collaboration Education event
2018 Thanksgiving Awareness and Education Gala
2018 Soulful Sounds for Sickle Cell
2018 Sickle Cell 5K Walk, Run or Jog and Health Expo
2018 Thanksgiving Awareness and Education Gala
2018 Winter Wonderland and Education event